Wednesday, February 22, 2006

4.5 hours in the ER

Yesterday at about 1:30pm I had to take a friend to the ER. Talk about a waiting game. I got a call and my friend needed a ride, cause he had a bad ass migraine and had began to vomit blood. He gets headaches all the time but when blood vomiting begins, its time to get it checked out. (Hes alright and just ripped up his esophagus from vomiting so much.) They gave him some morphine and anti-nausea medicine through an IV. He also had some chest Xrays and a CAT scan.
The real bummer was how long we had to wait to get him pain relief. We were in the waiting room for an hour and a half. There definetly needs to be some waiting room etiquette. They need to give you a better idea of how long your wait will be. I understand they have more pressing matters but some common courtesy would be nice. We heard nothing until they called his name to go in. For one thing if you have a screaming kid you need to control it or take it outside. I think the hospital should also have an enclosed room or section for this purpose. My buddy was very sound and light sensitive and there was a four year old possibly screaming the loudest Ive ever heard. I almost needed some meds.
I was starting to wish we had waited in my truck, because then I just started feeling really bad for people. A cancer paitent was there and having a terrible time, I wont go into the sounds he was making or the fact he was vomiting on himself, just know that man was in terrible pain. I felt so bad for him.
Just when things had calmed down and it was semi-queit, we heard a loud crashing and saw a naked girl run out of her room with her gown flapping in the breeze and a cop and a orderly chasing after her. Then she got caught in the sliding doors and fell down with her naked butt sticking out. Then the cop and the orderly picked her up by each arm, and they went kicking and screaming back down the hall. She was picking her feet off the ground like a little kid so it was hard for them to lift her. I just thought to myself how embarassing.
It was definetly an experience.


At 1:19 PM, Blogger DorianGray1854 said...

Sorry man, tell Simon I hope he feels better!!


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